When you go to open houses looking for a new home do you often have some simple questions about the home you are looking at? For instance, how old is the roof, furnace or electrical wiring?
Sometimes people are too shy to approach the agent on duty to get these simple answers. Wouldn’t a seller’s binder at your fingertips give additional information? This Ottawa Staging Binder will be most helpful to anyone looking to buy your home.
Not sure what to include? here are some ideas!
- Start by getting some paperwork together — renovations, utility costs, floor plan, survey etc.
- Once you get everything together make a tab for each section, so you can quickly flip for example directly to utilities or renovations or before/after pics of renovations.
- You will notice that as you add tabs to your binder that you may need some additional information. (overview of your home – age or roof, furnace, etc)
- You might want to add a little bit of content to each section if there needs explanation. For example: “In 2014 we upgraded our ensuite. Here is a picture before and one after renovations. The total renovation cost was $10,000.”
Don’t put too many words on one page as most people just glance at the words. You can add some notes under the pictures. For example, our house through the year and add pictures through the various seasons. This is especially important if you have a beautifully landscaped backyard or a pool and you are selling in the winter time.
Another section, you might want to add is what you can do in the area. For example, hockey arena, recreation facilities, transportation, etc. You can add a one liner about how close you are to these various facilities. Again photos are great, as most of us are visual creatures.
Add a section about leisure time: include places to eat, shop or walking trails or parks. This is especially needed as young families always want to know what is available in your area.
Try to make your Ottawa staging binder as user-friendly as you can by giving specific information but keeping in mind you don’t want to be boring with added pictures or content that is not really of interest. For example, you might not want to add every step-by-step of renovations that were made.
When you decide to sell your home, our Winch Walton Team can help you with any Ottawa staging that you need for your home. We offer this free service to all our clients. Contact us for further information.