613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

You may see prices rising on homes and interest rates lowering. How do you know when you should sell? Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team would like to go over some reasons why now might be the time for you to sell your home.

Let’s talk money

The first step would be to talk to your mortgage broker or financial institution. Take a look at your income and your debt. Are you finding it hard financially right now or are you holding onto memories of your home and that is stopping you from selling? You may need to make some sound financial decisions to see if you are ready to sell or not. You want to feel comfortable and confident when you list your home up for sale.

Let’s look at the market

Check with your real estate team to find out if this is a really good time to sell or not. Right now, there is a low inventory of homes and a high demand. This could mean that you will get close to asking price and maybe even more if your home is in good shape.

Let’s talk interest rate

The interest rate is now at a record low for people purchasing homes. This is always a good incentive to have your home ready to be listed. This is a driving force for buyers to be able to purchase more home for their money. You will find that your home will be listed and purchased a lot faster than when it is a buyer’s market.

You have outgrown your home

Perhaps you have been putting off selling your home but now you find that you need more room for a growing family. When you sell your home and buy the next home, the equity you have will be a nice down payment for your next purchase.

You find the maintenance is getting harder

Many retirees or people that have ongoing health issues might find it hard to keep up with the maintenance of keeping their homes in tip-top shape. This can also be an incentive to sell so you can downsize or perhaps move to a residence where maintenance is included, like an apartment or condo. Perhaps you just need to move to a home that has a better floorplan for your lifestyle.

How we can help!

Many people feel since it is a seller’s market that a house can practically sell itself. However, if you don’t have your home professionally staged and aren’t using a reputable real estate firm you can cause yourself undue stress.

Give our Anne Winch Real Estate Team a call. In order to provide you the best service when we sell your home, we provide free home staging to make your home look its best. We stage every home differently to give each home the best chance of being competitive in the real estate market. Don’t stress out! Allow us to get your home on the market so you can get to the enjoyable stuff – buying your next home.