613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

There is nothing more exciting than when the buyer and seller start to negotiate the nitty-gritty of a home sale. So, what are the main factors that are often looked at when that offer is put forth? Not all offers are the same and what is important to the buyer may be totally different from the seller. Here are some considerations that may be in your next offer.

Price – check the comps

We all want the best prices for our homes but there is a fine line between your home being priced correctly and being priced too high. Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team will evaluate your home and make sure you are aware of the range where your home will probably sell. We compare other homes like yours and the selling point of these homes. From there we can give you the true value and pricing for your home. Within that range will be the negotiating power that will be included in your offer.


Some offers may come with contingencies, such as home inspection, water/septic inspection, and financing. This is all part of the negotiation of any offers you may wish to accept. Some sellers will not look at the contingency of selling your home first, but your real estate team will be able to help you with these types of negotiations.

Closing date

Besides the price, the closing date can be a main feature of the offer. If you have sold a home and need to buy a new one to meet the closing, you may, as a buyer or seller be more flexible on price. However, you may also have to agree on what is more important to you — the purchase price or the closing date. Sometimes the closing date may be more important than the price point.

Closing costs


  • Remember the closing process starts from the time you sign off on the offer until the home is officially transferred to the buyer.
  • If you are a seller, most of the closing costs will be deducted from the proceeds of the sale of your home.
  • There can be a lot of steps and that is why it is important to have a legal and real estate team explain how things normally happen during the selling/purchasing process.


  • Check with your lawyer about the closing including handing over keys, payment to your real estate team, etc.
  • Contact your utility company, insurance company, cable tv, etc. to tell them the last day you will be at your residence.
  • Arrange to move out of your property as soon as you can to allow the buyers time to move in.

We hope that we have given you some items to think about when you are closing the deal either as a buyer or seller. Let us help you with every step of the process when you are buying or selling your home. We also have a team of professionals that we can call on to help you with financial and legal matters.

We would like you to have an exciting adventure when you are buying or selling your next home.