613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

If you are considering selling your home soon, now is the time to do outdoor maintenance projects before the colder weather approaches. Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team has some great ideas on what you should do!

Outdoor painting projects

Painting and staining need time to cure. In the later summer/early fall, these projects are much easier to complete as the weather isn’t too hot and humid and it is still nice outside so that your paint and stain can cure. Look for any touchup jobs you may need around windows and doors too!

Test your AC

I am sure that your air conditioner has been going strong this summer. Now is the time to have your system checked including any filters that may need to be cleaned. It is good to make sure it is in good working order so that when next summer arrives you know everything is in good working condition.

Trim back your landscaping

Have you noticed this summer how our plants have been growing so well? It is time to trim back dead limbs and branches that can damage the siding or roof of your home. It is also a good idea to keep an eye on trees and get expert advice from an arborist. They can check the health of trees and even install cables on tree limbs to avoid excessive damage to your home or property.

Inspect outdoor plumbing

Shortly you may be shutting off the garden house and other outdoor plumbing for the winter. Our Canadian seasons of freezing and thawing can take a toll on outdoor plumbing. It is always good to give everything a test, as leaks can cause damage to the interior of your home.


Making sure there are no gaps in windows and doors is very important in any season. Weatherstripping goes a long way to prevent air leakage and prevent higher utility bills.

Clean out those gutters!

This is an ongoing project. As leaves fall, you will find more and more debris that collects in your gutters. If you don’t clean out leaves and debris it can cause water pooling on your roof and cause water damage.

Last thoughts!

If you are thinking of selling your home soon, make a list of what you need to fix before listing your home. Focus on structure, safety issues and code violations. These issues will most certainly come up in a home inspection. You don’t want to jeopardize the sale of your home. 

Our Anne Winch Ottawa Real Estate Team can help you find a qualified inspector whether you are buying or selling your home. We can also help you navigate through issues that may come up in home inspections that are sometimes negotiable in the buying or selling price. Give us a call and see how we can be of help to you.