613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

Are you getting ready to sell? Your exterior means a lot! Buyers can decide within seconds of seeing your home if they like it or not. That is why it is just as important to fix the outside as it is to stage the interior of your home.

Let’s look at some strategies that will help you modernize your home.

Get professional advice!

Before you decide on what needs to be fixed on your own, get a professional opinion. Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team can have a candid look at your home to see what buyers want most. Getting advice from a third party is essential as we may become a little “house blind”.

Add a splash of paint!

Painting can modernize your home substantially especially if you pick on-trend colours. Neutral colours will appeal to anyone.

Before you paint:

  • Check the exterior for any damage or caulking that needs to be done.
  • Remove loose paint, repair any cracks and give your exterior a good pressure wash.
  • Not sure what colour to paint, ask our Team for their advice.

Enhance your entryway!

You want to set the tone of your home by having a welcome entry. Decorate your porch with plants, a new doormat or outdoor lighting. Change the colour of your door.

Are your outside fixtures dated?

Update any outdoor fixtures so that they are more modern and functional.


This is the most beautiful time of the year to see your home at its best. Flowers and shrubs are blooming, and it just adds to the value of your home. However, if you have let shrubs and bushes get out of control, it can turn off a potential buyer. As a buyer walks to your door, they look at the path that leads the way. Is there dead grass and weeds everywhere? You want your home to look its best, so don’t forget the exterior.

Some more suggestions…

  • Incorporate sustainable features like solar panels or energy-efficient windows.
  • Repair loose shingles on the roof and damaged siding.
  • Replace dated door handles and house number.

Updating your home is always a strategic investment for your future. Painting, functionality and upgrades will always give a great first impression. With the right improvements, your home can outshine the competition.

Before you do any updates, schedule an appointment with our Team so we can give you the best advice before you dive into any improvements to your home. We would love to help!