613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

Congratulations on your new home!

You probably had a lot of planning to get your new home. Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team understands the time and energy needed to buy and sell homes.  But now it is time to enjoy the fruit of your labour. It is time to get things done but also take time to relax and enjoy your new purchase. Don’t feel you have to do everything right away!  Don’t be shy to hire help if you need it. 

Do a walkthrough.

It is so exciting to walk into your new home! 

  • Check both inside and out and take everything in. However, you might want to have a notebook handy to jot down some items that need to be done right away.
  • If your new home is empty, it will be a blank canvas on where your furniture can be arranged. It is also important to bring a tape measure to be more accurate with furniture placement.
  • Check the working order of any appliances that were part of your purchase agreement. Were any repairs that were agreed on done?

Take safety precautions.

Make sure your home is safe and secure.

  • If you have children and pets, take extra care to make sure they are safe. Check for sharp edges, open doors, and windows or if the fence outside needs repair.
  • Replace locks and make copies of the keys.
  • Check for the water shutoff valve.
  • Check that CO2 and smoke detectors are functioning properly.

Schedule maintenance or repairs.

It is easier to have a schedule of repairs done when you move in. Whether it is painting, HVAC or furnace cleaning, it is good to get these items done right away.

Deep clean!

The best time to clean your home is when it is empty. It is much easier to give a top-to-bottom scrub down.

Last thoughts.

  • Consider how each room will be used before you unpack.
  • Pets can be scared in a new environment. Give them time to explore their new abode. They will be less likely to be scared and run away.
  • Unpack essentials such as plates, shampoo, bedding and towels first.
  • Get your beds set up early so they will be ready when you are tired.

Remember it takes everyone time to settle in… Our Team would be happy to help you with selling your present home or buying your next dream home. Contact us if you need any help.