We all know that you need to have a budget to maintain a certain lifestyle and help you save money. When you are thinking of selling your home, you may put aside a certain amount of money for home improvements, new linens for your bedroom or bathroom or storing furniture. The same is true for staging your home to sell.
Staging your home can improve the look of your home and help you sell for top dollar, if it is staged correctly. So how much should you put aside for a professional stager? Statistics say that you should put aside at least 1-3% of your listing price to pay for the average home stager. If this seems a little daunting and seems to be outside of your comfort zone, what if you could get your home staged for free?
The Winch Walton Team knows that you work hard for your money and that you want the best return for the sale of your home. Don’t feel you have to do any improvements to your home before you meet the Winch Walton Team. They will assess your home by doing a market review of homes that have sold in your district and provide you with professional staging advice and provide you with a free home staging budget. They will only advise you on the necessary improvements you may need to sell your home.
Here are some home improvements they may allow in your free home staging budget analysis:
- Painting
- Providing staging furniture, curtains, artwork and accent pieces
- Lighting, blinds
- Counter tops, cabinet hardware
- General repairs
Here are some of the features you will receive by listing with the Winch Walton Team:
- Free home staging
- Expert marketing of your home
- Free evaluation of your home
- Fast turnaround to your calls and emails
- Over 15 years’ experience in real estate and home staging
If this free home staging is in your budget, don’t hesitate to call the Winch Walton Team.
Access the Winch Walton Team for all your Ottawa real estate and free home staging needs.