613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com
Are Sunrooms Worth the Money?

Are Sunrooms Worth the Money?

With spring just around the corner, we might feel the “nesting” instinct and thoughts of renovations. Is a sunroom in your future? Who wouldn’t like an area that has floor-to-ceiling windows with the sun streaming through as an extension to your home? What is a...
Do Raindrops Keep Falling on Your Head?

Do Raindrops Keep Falling on Your Head?

Keeping water away from your house is very critical to the well-being of your home. One of the first things a home inspector will look at (when you sell your home) is if you have water that seeps in around your home. Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team would like to give...
Are You a First-Time Home Buyer?

Are You a First-Time Home Buyer?

We know that buying a home for the first time can be difficult. However, there is some help for you, and we would like to help you navigate the path to home ownership. First Home Savings Account (FHSA) Introduced by the federal government in 2023, the FHSA is a...
Should I buy a house now or wait until 2024?

Should I buy a house now or wait until 2024?

Buying a house is one of the biggest investments we may ever make. The real estate market has been on a roller coaster ride for the past few years with houses soaring in prices and now leveling off more. So, should you wait or dive into purchasing a home? The benefits...