613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

If your home is up for sale and the traffic seems to be going to your competition across the street, this may be your signal that home staging is needed in your home. It can be really tough to stage your own home. If you are like most home sellers you are working long hours or bringing up a family and can’t concentrate full time on getting your home ready to sell. Taking the time to have a critical view of your home is often difficult. We often think our home is better than the competition and we have blinders on when selling our own home. Here are some danger signals that you may have come across because your home needs home staging:

No Time

You have decluttered and tidied up as best you could. Hardwood floors have been refinished and a lick of paint has been added to the walls. So why has the real estate traffic ground to a halt? You tried to do all this on a part-time basis as best you could. What you really need is a home stager and real estate team that can concentrate fully on your home. A home stager can go through each room critically and modernize or style your home to catch the eye of the buyer.

People come and go

If you have had a few people go through your home when you were first listed and now the traffic has dwindled, you need a home stager. If your home has been sitting for 30 plus days with no offers and no traffic, you need a home stager. All these are warning signs that there was an interest in your home but now your listing is stale. Home stagers can turn your home into a look or lifestyle many buyers now want to see. You can’t sell your home on neatness and old-fashioned décor. Buyers want move-in ready housing that has a certain appeal and creates a visual impact. That is when the offers will come forward!

No flair for décor

Even though you think you can decorate, home staging is not just decorating. A good home stager can create a look for your home that buyers fall in love with. They know the market and they know the look for your home that will sell. A good home stager will also bring in furniture and accessories that will help create the look. You may be surprised how an injection of a feature wall with more modernized furniture and a few extras can completely change the look of your home.

Don’t know your target market

Staging your home also takes into account who your target market will likely be. For example, if you live in a young neighbourhood with children and your home is set up with bedrooms that are used for storage, then you may lose your target market. A home stager will make sure your house is set up to attract different types of buyers.

Sold signs are popping up around you

If you are finding homes are selling left and right around you and yours is not getting any showings, then there is a problem. There are two rules of thought. Your house may be overpriced and your house is not showing well. Even if you have lowered the price on your home a few times, people will not visit your home as they think something is wrong. Buyers will skip over your photographs online if they find your home ordinary or old in décor. All these things can be easily fixed by a good home stager and real estate team.

Our Anne Winch Ottawa Real Estate and Staging Team can create the look buyers want to see. We can provide furniture and accessories that will transform your home. We spend time in each home we list to make sure the best attributes of each home are highlighted. We also provide free home staging as we know how important staging contributes to selling homes. Give us a call, text or email and see what we can do to stage and sell your home.