613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

Sometimes you need to move out before your home is sold. Perhaps your have to move quickly for a new job or maybe your new home has been built and you are excited to move in. There are many reasons why you may have to leave your home empty but you still need to sell it.

Although you may think it is easier to sell a home that doesn’t have any furniture in it but in reality, it is harder. Here are some good reasons why our Anne Winch Ottawa Real Estate and Staging Team always stage vacant homes.

  • Staging Will Focus on your Home Not its Flaws

An empty home just makes your eyes bounce around every room looking at normal wear and tear and any imperfections and not the true beauty of your home. One of the worst decision’s buyers make is to think vacant homes sell better. Vacant homes do not create the ambience of a home that buyers need to see.

  • Staged Homes Photograph Better

Even the best photographer will find it hard to get really good pictures from an empty home. A staged home gives the photographer a good canvass to wow buyers and make them want to see more. Remember that professional photographs will attract more buyers with a staged home and vacant homes are often bypassed. Remember, the first view of your home is online through photographs.

  • Staged Homes Make You Money

If your home isn’t staged it looks like you are desperate to sell and buyers may try to come in with low-ball offers. If your home is vacant you will have to keep reducing the price until you sell. This can be very frustrating to sellers. A staged home often brings you more than asking price if there are multiple offers on the table too.

  • Cold Rooms Do Not Charm Buyers

If your rooms are free of any furniture or accessories, it appears cold and unappealing. Buyers need to know if their furniture will fit and it can be visually impossible to do this if your home is vacant. Empty rooms appear smaller. Buyers want to know that their sofa and loveseat will fit in the front room or that a queen-sized bed and dressers will fit in the bedroom.

  • Staged Homes Sell Faster

If you have had to move out of your home make sure that your home is staged. You don’t want to miss any potential buyers if your home is not staged. On the average, staged homes sell 70%-80% faster. If your home has been vacant for a while, buyers think that there is something wrong with it and will steer clear of making any offers. Normally the longer your house sits, the less money in your pocket.

Our Anne Winch Ottawa Real Estate and Staging Team offer free home staging because we realize how important home staging is to get homes sold quickly plus, we sell on average 98% of the listing price. We have a large inventory of staging furniture and accessories to suit every type of home to get your home staged in no time. Staging and selling homes is our passion and is what we do best! Find out how we can help you buy, sell or stage your home.