613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

Do you ever wonder how our Anne Winch Ottawa Real Estate Team is able to get your home staged with such style and finesse? Are you interested in finding out how professional home stagers are able to style a home so easily? Well, we have put together some home staging tips we use to stage our homes and how we can use these tips to put your home on the pedestal it deserves.

Never leave a room empty

Your first impression would be that an empty room makes it look bigger. Actually an empty room is so hard for buyers to visualize how to place furniture. An empty room can look really sad without furniture and accessories. Buyers buy on emotion. They want to see a room they will fall in love with. (Don’t worry we have home staging furniture that we use for our clients.)

Furniture placement

Placing furniture in a room is especially important when you are selling your home. If you have an open concept floor plan you may wish to create zones so that you know what each area represents. Through the use of colour, rugs and furniture placement we will be able to design specific areas that buyers will understand and they can see living in this space. When arranging furniture find a focal point in the room. Arrange the furniture from this focal point to give an aura of calm and cohesiveness.

Give each room a purpose

If you have spare bedrooms that have been used for storage, now is the time to bring them back to their original glory. Buyers want a bedroom to look like a bedroom. It doesn’t need to be cluttered with extra boxes or used as a junk room. Box up extra stuff and get a storage locker or stack boxes neatly in the garage.

Lighten up a bit

Nothing is more of a turnoff than walking into a house that looks dark and gloomy. Open up blinds and curtains to show off your exterior. This natural light is so inviting. Even your paint should be on the neutral side. Make sure if you are thinking of a feature or focal wall that you check with us to make sure you are picking the right wall.

Make a good first impression

The first impression most buyers have are the photographs that are online. We only use a professional real estate photographer to give your home the best pictures possible. The next impression is walking up to your door. Make sure your lawn and gardens are weed-free and your doorway is inviting.

We hope that these tips will help you understand the importance of home staging and how we can help. One of the most important staging tips we can offer any of our new clients is that your home will look different and not like it was before. It is sometimes hard to emotionally detach from your home when it is being staged. Just remember, we will be with you every step of the way. Give us a call and let us show you how we can make your home look its best and sold in no time.