613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

Nothing has reminded us more about our health than this year. We have had time to think about the future and have even taken in some new pastimes such as cooking and baking. Although we often think of our health by getting enough exercise and eating right, we don’t think about keeping our home healthy. Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team would like to outline how you can create a healthy home too!

Air quality

Proper ventilation in the home is very important to our health. You need to maintain any fuel burning stoves or fireplaces to make sure that they are safe from carbon monoxide. If you find that your home is damp or if you have noticed mold and mildew, now is the time to have this removed.


Water quality can be affected, even if you live in the city. You can have your water checked periodically through your local health unit, especially if you get your water from a well. A monthly check on an e coli bacterium is very important.


Do you find that your neighbourhood is very noisy? Sound pollution can also be a detriment to your health. If you are working more from home, you might find the noise is interfering with your work life. Perhaps you are in an open concept home and it is harder to concentrate when you are working.

How functional is your home?

If you find that you have outgrown your home and you are lacking space for storage or storing items, it might be a good idea to look for a home that is more appealing to your lifestyle. As you age you may not be able to manage a larger home as you did before. You may find you want to downsize to a smaller home with less space to care for.


Colour in your home is a personal choice and various colours can also affect our moods. It can affect various emotional responses whether it is the colour of your flooring, furniture, or walls. Make sure you think of colours when you are remodeling or renovating your home.


Lighting can also affect your mood. There are various light temperatures. Adjusting the colour temperature of your lighting can lift your mood also. You may find you need a home with more natural light sources than your present home.

We are spending more time in our homes (especially now!) and that is why it is so important to make your home as comfortable and healthy as possible. Whether you presently find your home does not suit you like it did before or you want to live further out of town, we can help you find a new place that better suits your needs.

We all need to feel comfortable in our homes and we want to make sure that you are living your best healthy life possible. Give us a call and we will help you find your next home that might be more suitable for your needs for 2021.