613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

We have been spending more time at home and the more we look around, the more we notice things we could update! Little changes can mean so much to your home and it will help with resale value too.

What are eco-friendly renovations and how can they be used in your home? Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team has listed some renovations that you may like and help the environment too.


Reclaimed wood

This has become a trend lately in the decorating world as it adds such a beautiful décor touch and makes your home stand out with a different vibe.

  • What can you use reclaimed wood for?
  • Add to your kitchen hood
  • Make a coffee table
  • Make a bed
  • Make a pendant fixture for a farmhouse chic look
  • Reclaimed wood door
  • Planter


Salvage what you can

When you decide to renovate and you are tearing down walls, replacing cupboards or fixtures, think about what you can save. Perhaps a lighting fixture may have better use in a bathroom or bedroom. If you are replacing brick, make sure you save it for another use. If you are renovating an older house often people are looking for those older doors or windows. Older hardware on cupboards and doors is also a find and many interior decorators search for hardware to create a specific look or time.


Renovate don’t replace

If you are doing a kitchen renovation and are trying to keep within a specific budget, look no further than your cupboards. If they are in good shape, don’t replace – paint. Simply refreshing them with a coat of paint will do wonders. You can also get your cupboards refaced for less than replacing them.



If you are finding your home is on the cool side in winter, think about adding some insulation to bring warmth to your home. Just this simple fix will make your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.


Visit antique shops

Hopefully, we will soon be able to meander through some antique shops or consignment stores soon. You can find decorating items that will fit into any home. Are you looking for antique doorknobs, lighting, or replacing the mantle on your fireplace? Many items are there to explore and give your home a new look and help the environment in the long run.


We thought you would like to know about some eco-friendly renovations that can be done to your home. Nothing is more important than keeping your home in top shape in case you are thinking of selling too.

It is very important to find the right balance between decorating and staging. Our Team has been able to combine this expertise for our clients over the years. We believe everybody should have the chance to have their home staged and therefore we provide this service for free. We also want you to take advantage of our expertise and resources to stage and sell your home. Give our Team a call and find out how we can personally stage and sell your home.