613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

There has always been some talk about staging your home when you sell. Some people are not convinced and others swear by it! We thought we would try to convince you about why we love to stage your home and why we do it!

Why is it important?

A recent survey from the International Association of Home Staging Professionals shows that you can sell your home between 3-30% faster than a home that has not been staged. Furthermore, staging can increase the sale of the home by up to 20% on average. It is one of the easiest things you can do to put your home in the “best light”. It can offer up a property without having to do a complete makeover.

Staging a home – benefits buyers and sellers

Buyers usually have a good idea of what type of home they want before they start their search. When a home is staged it makes it easier to see if the house meets their expectations. If a home is not staged it is hard for the buyer to visualize what that house could become. Sellers want their homes to look their best, sell quickly and for market value.

Staging key spaces

Most buyers see a staged living room as important. After the living room is the master bedroom, kitchen and dining room which are the next important spaces to be staged and that buyers’ want.

Staging increases the value

If you are not convinced that staging works, buyers’ agents say that it increased the offering price from 1-10%. With nothing to lose and much more to gain, it stands to reason that staging just works and is a win-win for everyone.

Staging decreases the time your home is on the market

Nobody wants their home to be on the MLS listing for weeks and months. The longer it sits, the harder it is to sell. Staging helps buyers evaluate a home much easier. Buyers can see the potential for the home much easier when it is staged.

What’s the cost?

Cost can vary for home staging. That is why we provide free home staging for all our clients. Why? Because we know the benefits of staging a home, we understand the market and we know we can make your home look its best!

Why should you use our services?

We provide the following when we stage your home for free:

  • Warehouse of furniture, rugs, curtains, and artwork to enhance the look of your home
  • Moving package of boxes and materials to start packing your valuables
  • Painter on standby to fix any touch-ups or a feature wall that may be needed
  • Mover to help take unwanted furniture and home goods to charity to help make room in your home
  • Mover to stop at local donation centres.

We hope this explains the importance of home staging and how our Anne Winch Real Estate Team can help. Just remember, we will be with you every step of the way. Give us a call and let us show you how we can make your home look its best and sell in no time.