613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

Do you ever browse through magazines or TV shows that reveal beautiful multi-million-dollar homes for sale? You may notice these homes are staged to perfection. There is minimal furniture and décor so that you can see every inch of the home. Sometimes it is hard to be a minimalist but there are so many reasons why you should try to embrace it.

In the minimalist’s mindset less is more, and everything has a place. You get rid of the excess, and you surround yourself with items you love and use. Here are some hints on how you can embrace this lifestyle. This is especially helpful if you are selling your home this year as it also helps you keep your house clutter-free between showings!

Where will it go?

Before you click on the online cart, take a minute to think about where this item will live in your home. Do you have a specific space where it will go? If you can’t envision somewhere where this item will go – you might not need it.

If something comes into the house – something should also go out.

Whether it is furniture or clothes in your closet, if you purchase something as a replacement, you should donate or sell the older unused item. A true minimalist always keeps an eye on clutter. You will no longer be accumulating “stuff” but rather replacing what needs to be replaced.

Keep a list!

Impulsive buyers beware – if you buy things on impulse – step away from the cart! Instead, categorize a list of items you need which you can check before you purchase. If you are buying another piece of furniture and you are not sure where it will go– this might not be the best choice to avoid clutter.

Don’t buy in bulk.

If you find your pantry is stocking many of the same items – you might want to think twice about ways to reduce grocery items. It might be easier to display pantry items in decanters so you can visually see what you have, it also looks much tidier during showings.

Archive your kid’s artwork.

If you have your kid’s art gallery displayed on the fridge or walls, you might want to try a different way. You can preserve this artwork through scrapbooking or even uploading pictures of these masterpieces.

How we can help you sell your home.

Lastly, no matter how neat you are, sometimes clutter does arise when you have a busy life. Our Anne Winch Real Estate and Staging Team is here to help you stage and sell your home so that it is the best it can be. We have numerous staging items and furniture to make your home look modern and perfect for viewing. For our clients, we also provide a free packing kit to get you started.

We hope that these tips help. Just remember, we will be with you every step of the way and we always have your best interests in mind. Contact us for any information about staging and selling or purchasing your next home.