613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

How Do You Know When to Sell?

You may see prices rising on homes and interest rates lowering. How do you know when you should sell? Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team would like to go over some reasons why now might be the time for you to sell your home. Let’s talk money The first step would be to...

First Home? Questions You Should Be Asking Before You Purchase

Buying your first home is one of the most exciting times in your life and may be your most expensive purchase also. This is why our Anne Winch Real Estate Team would like to help you with everything you need to be ready to buy your home. Here are some questions you...

How to Purchase a Home During a Bidding War

Supply and demand are very important, especially for the real estate industry. When you are in a seller’s market there is a lot of demand and low supply. Often due to this, prices on homes that are listed can result in multiple offers on the table with prices...