by awinch | Aug 22, 2023 | Did you know?
When it comes to home renovations, you have various ideas to consider. You need to think about your budget, timeline, contractors, and the actual project itself. With so much talk about climate change and sustainability, many people are looking for “greener” projects....
by awinch | Jul 18, 2023 | Questions and Answers
Perhaps you are thinking of buying your first home but are not sure if this is right for you. Have you ever thought of buying an investment income property first? Well, it might seem a bit odd to buy an investment property before your first home, however, there is...
by awinch | Jul 11, 2023 | Did you know?
Have you ever walked through an open house and just fell in love? The whole house is just perfect, but you hesitate because you need a bit more privacy between neighbours. Don’t fret! We have you covered with some amazing ways you can add a bit of privacy and style to...
by awinch | Jun 20, 2023 | Did you know?
Over the last while, many people have ventured out to the country to buy a home. Why not? Most jobs are hybrid now. You can leave the hustle and bustle of the city, and really get down with nature. You can’t help but love the quiet and the quirkiness that sometimes...
by awinch | Jun 12, 2023 | Did you know?
Let’s face it, living through a renovation can be a little daunting. Some people choose to perhaps live with friends or relatives during this process. Others may not have a choice and have to tough it out and live through the renovations. We thought we’d give...