613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

Do I Really Need A Final Walkthrough?

Who doesn’t want the chance to go through a new home purchase one more time? Don’t miss out on this very important opportunity. Why? If the owners have already moved out, make sure that the house does not have damage. If the home has been vacant for a while some...

Think Everything is Negotiable with Home Sales — Not Quite

Even though we have a lot of choices when buying a home, there are still things that are not negotiable! Our Anne Winch Real Estate Team thought you might want to go over some non-negotiables when buying a home. Real Estate Team You need a team that will help you with...

Sustainable Home Renovations – Get Eco Ready!

We have been spending more time at home and the more we look around, the more we notice things we could update! Little changes can mean so much to your home and it will help with resale value too. What are eco-friendly renovations and how can they be used in your...

Get an A+ on Your Home Appraisal!

One of the biggest assets during your lifetime is your home. Getting your home appraised is an important step to find out the worth of your home. With an ever-changing real estate market, it is always important to call in a professional real estate team to find out...

Our 6 Best Secrets for Buying Your Next Home

Nothing is more exciting than deciding to buy a home. Whether it is your first home or your 10th home, there are certain things that need to be done to ensure a smooth purchase. What we sometimes forget is the other information that we wish we knew before we took the...