613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com
How to Live On-Site During Your Renovation

How to Live On-Site During Your Renovation

Let’s face it, living through a renovation can be a little daunting. Some people choose to perhaps live with friends or relatives during this process. Others may not have a choice and have to tough it out and live through the renovations. We thought we’d give...
It’s Time to Style Your Patio for the Summer!

It’s Time to Style Your Patio for the Summer!

The weather is getting hot, and everyone is looking forward to spending more time outside. Nothing is more inviting than having your backyard as your “special oasis”. To style your patio for the summer you must balance between aesthetics and functionality. Here are...
Make Your Fixer-Upper Your Own!

Make Your Fixer-Upper Your Own!

If you have bought a fixer-upper it might be that you can’t afford a turnkey property at this time. It also means that you will have to roll up your sleeves and do some renovations. It can be a bit overwhelming when you look at your new place and want it to look like...
A Look at the Ins and Outs of Probate Real Estate

A Look at the Ins and Outs of Probate Real Estate

There may come a time in your life when you may have to sell a property for a dear one who has passed. It is not a subject that most of us are not familiar with and one we usually don’t want to talk about. We would like to help you understand a little better about...