613-277-2663 awinch@kw.com

Best Tips for Sellers

Now that your home is ready to be listed by our Team, there are a few suggestions we have for our sellers. These tips can help you get more traffic through your home. Review your listing online Take a few minutes to review your listing online. We want to make sure...

Our Best Decluttering Ideas You May Have Missed

Decluttering is always needed when you are selling your home and with Spring right around the corner, now is the time to roll up your sleeves and purge. Sometimes it is hard to part with certain items but a neat and tidy home, complete with staging will sell quickly....

Six Home Inspection Deal Breakers

Whether you have just bought or sold your home, home inspections are an integral part of the real estate transaction. Our Anne Winch Ottawa Real Estate Team understands that as a buyer you want to make sure your new home will come out with no real issues. As a seller,...

Questions to Ask Your Buyer or Seller Real Estate Team

Buying or selling your home can be exciting and a big decision all wrapped up together! If you have been looking online and have made the move to invest in getting a real estate team to help you with some serious buying or selling, there are a few things you should...

Real Estate Tips for New Home Sellers

Often when you buy your first place you believe you will be there for quite a few years. Statistics show that most people move every 5 years on average. You already know how to buy a home but it is a little different when you are presenting your first home to new...